You have successfully registered for the online-class on taxes!
Now what?

Click on the links below to access the materials for the online class.

I recommend that you study them in the following order:

1. Watch the main video about the Danish tax system and Årsopgørelse, annual tax return in Denmark.

2. Download and read the document about the tax deductions in Denmark.

3. Download the English template of Årsopgørelse, and read your Årsopgørelse for 2019 with help of this template.

4. Take a look at special tax cases:

a. How to pay taxes from rental income
b. Taxes on foreign income
c. Taxes if you are self-employed in Denmark
d. Taxes on investments

5. Join the Facebook group for the online class participants. Here you can ask your questions on taxes during March 2020.

6. Watch a video about Forskudsopgørelse (preliminary tax declaration in Denmark) and check your taxes for 2020. Here is also an English template of Forskudsopgørelse.

P.S.: You will also get all the materials delivered to your e-mail inbox. It can take up to 5 hours before you have the materials in your e-mail.

P.P.S.: If you have any questions, please, contact us at We will get back to you during 24 hours.